Case Management Services

All of the youth that come through The Good Seed’s programs either through the emergency shelter, family crisis housing, or transitional housing are given access to case management services to assist them in accomplishing their specific goals and needs. The Good Seed wants these youths to not only survive, but thrive when they transition into new environments. Supportive services by caring staff and peers are the backbone of The Good Seed’s mission and organizational culture.

Current case management practices within The Good Seed’s shelter programs are constantly evolving to fit the needs of the young people we serve. Crisis management is an immediate service that takes place when a new youth enters our shelter doors. Good Seed’s staff members are comprehensively trained in the usage of Psychological First Aid and Trauma-Informed care to support clients that are experiencing distress. The Good Seed also utilizes the practice of motivational interviewing when supporting youth in process determining priorities, and their life goals. Our desire is to engage the intrinsic motivation within each young person to have them begin an internal process of self-reflection and discovery. Good Seed’s staff understand that a human connection in a non-intrusive and compassionate manner is necessary to plant the seeds of trust. And, that before we can water them with supportive services and resources to help them take control of their lives, the soil of their mind and hearts have to be cared to first.


Continuing Housing Support

Each client that works with The Good Seed goes through a housing need assessment with Good Seed staff members. Good Seed maintains a housing resource directory which is continually updated by partner agencies and has trained staff who are experts on various housing resources. For clients that are in need of long-term housing, The Good Seed assist youth in securing housing, both market rate and affordable housing. In addition, through collaboration with other agencies additional housing opportunities and support are made available to enhance their opportunities for success.

Supported Employment

Good Seed is dedicated to providing transition-age youth with supportive employment services before and after they are employed. Good Seed helps clients to create resumes and cover letters as well as provides motivational and mental health support during the potentially stressful process of seeking employment, as well as maintaining employment. Good Seed believes regardless of a person’s disability or situation in life, there is a meaningful and substantive employment opportunities available for them. We know the value of collaboration, and partnership. As a result, Good Seed collaborates with organizations such as Community Career Development, Inc., South Bay One-Stop Business & Career Center and America’s Job Center to help locate positions and provide additional services for our clients.

Over the past two fiscal years, GSS has secured paid employment for youth with the help of many community partners. Youth have been placed in retail positions at Walmart, Macy’s, and Walgreens, in hospitality positions at Red Lobster, Olive Garden, Jamba Juice, and Good Seed CDC. Additionally, youth have secured positions with DirecTV, and Uber. We have found that if you give youth the skills, support, and a little patience, they can achieve what seemed impossible.

For any questions about our Supported Employment program or to partner with us to provide youth with more opportunities, please email us at [email protected] or call us at (323)758-5433.

Outreach and Engagement Program

The Good Seed is actively involved in community engagement, policy discussions, and constituent outreach, to make sure that we reduce the amount of time youth experience homelessness. Our outreach and engagement program is organized with the help of community partners, and current and former homeless youth. We have found in large part youth experienced longer episodes of homelessness, due to a lack of knowledge about youth services and resources. As a result, we partnered with youth to create advertisement of services in areas highly populated by homeless transition-age youth. Locations include public libraries, medical centers, mental health organizations and other unconventional areas.

The Good Seed is always expanding our outreach and involvement with the community to try and make an impact on the crisis of homelessness that is experienced in the County of Los Angeles.

The Good Seed is actively involved with a number of coalitions, and steering committees regarding Wellness, Mental Health, and Homelessness. We are active on the LA Coalition to end Youth Homelessness Steering Committee, Service Planning Meetings, and the LA County Homeless Policy Summit on Outreach and Engagement.

If you or your agency want to be a partner with The Good Seed to make a difference in the lives of these homeless youth, reach out to us today! Email us at [email protected] or call us at (323)758-5433.

Support Group and Programs

The Good Seed provides a multitude of support groups in-house and through an extensive collaboration of community partners for transition-age youth that are in our care. We aspire to create an environment that allows our clients to seek help without any fear of embarrassment, rejection or discomfort. We provide assistance with mental health, primary healthcare, substance abuse, education, and social opportunities. Here are some of our programs either provided directly at the shelter or through a community partner that help our youth to overcome barriers in their lives.


Outreach and Engagement Program

For any questions about our Supported Employment program or to partner with us to provide youth with more opportunities, please email us at [email protected] or call us at (323)758-5433.

Supported Employment

If you or your agency want to be a partner with The Good Seed to make a difference in the lives of these homeless youth, reach out to us today! Email us at [email protected] or call us at (323)758-5433.


If you or your agency want to be a partner with The Good Seed to make a difference in the lives of these homeless youth, reach out to us today! Email us at [email protected] or call us at (323)758-5433.


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