Ascent Community Healing Program

Supporting Individuals as they return from the justice system to their communities

Ascent Community Healing Program

Supporting individuals as they return from the justice system to their communities

Who We Are

Ascent is an end to end community healing program, established in 2018, where the mission is to support individuals as they return from the justice system to their communities. To that end, Ascent is a commitment to accompaniment with a ‘By Any Means Necessary’ approach to providing care, support, and empathy. We are made stronger and more effective because we prioritize on building a team of Community Health Workers that have, themselves, journeyed from the justice system to the field of community healing; It is their intimate approaches, leadership qualities, evolving capacities, and lived experience that provide space and direction to the returning justice system impacted individual.

Through Ascent’s Community-Based Intensive Case Management Services Team, justice-system impacted individuals will find linkages to culturally appropriate and humble resources. We will do everything we can to connect a justice system impacted individual with the community resources and support they need.

How To Get Involved

We are so grateful that you have been inspired to support our mission. Your generosity in giving your time, energy and support to help us is vital to the success of Ascent.

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Do you want to be a part of what Ascent is doing?
Please join us.

Join Our Campaign

We are so grateful that you have been inspired to support our mission. Your generosity in giving your time, energy and support to help us is vital to the success of Ascent.

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Ascent Community Healing Program

Who We Are

How To Get Involved

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